SERMON FOR MARCH 29, 2015 AT TJMCUU: AWAKENING FROM THE AMERICAN DREAM On August 2, 2002 I stood in this pulpit and gave a sermon as a Worship Associate entitled: “The Happiness Quotient.” The question posed was: “How am I – how are you- to be happy – to be happy no matter what our situation? The search then relates to how we choose to live our lives within the context of the limitations, if there are any, imposed by our circumstances. We want and hope for happiness. We are, in fact, sitting in a Church named after the man who defined the pursuit of happiness as an unalienable right. What was written and conceived of was the PURSUIT of happiness. More on that later. We live in a media world and hear on a daily basis from our leaders and pundits that what they are doing is working to enable each and every one of us to achieve the American Dream – or rather to pursue it. A book” was entitled: “Awakening from the American Dream” was published last year and authored by Master Charles Cannon, who is a spiritual teacher and founder of the Synchronicity Foundation, which is located nearby in Faber, Virginia. The book’s premise gives what I believe are some key things to think about and to perhaps consider to implement in your life. The American Dream promises happiness if you work hard and follow the rules. The carrot, always just beyond reach, is the enticement that by working hard and following the rules you will one day finally catch up with happiness and get all that the Dream promises. Adam has outlined a variety of the ‘stuff’ that the American Dream promises and, for some, has actually provided. He has focused on material betterment and place in life.Yet, The happiness and success of the American Dream has failed to materialize for the vast majority of Americans – and that includes ‘us.’ What happened to the greatest, the wealthiest country on earth, the land of equal opportunity for one and for all? If we look at the current economic statistics, it seems for many that the promise of the Dream is just that – a dream. SERMON FOR MARCH 29, 2015 AT TJMCUU: AWAKENING FROM THE AMERICAN DREAM On August 2, 2002 I stood in this pulpit and gave a sermon as a Worship Associate entitled: “The Happiness Quotient.” The question posed was: “How am I – how are you- to be happy – to be happy no matter what our situation? The search then relates to how we choose to live our lives within the context of the limitations, if there are any, imposed by our circumstances. We want and hope for happiness. We are, in fact, sitting in a Church named after the man who defined the pursuit of happiness as an unalienable right. What was written and conceived of was the PURSUIT of happiness. More on that later. We live in a media world and hear on a daily basis from our leaders and pundits that what they are doing is working to enable each and every one of us to achieve the American Dream – or rather to pursue it. A book” was entitled: “Awakening from the American Dream” was published last year and authored by Master Charles Cannon, who is a spiritual teacher and founder of the Synchronicity Foundation, which is located nearby in Faber, Virginia. The book’s premise gives what I believe are some key things to think about and to perhaps consider to implement in your life. The American Dream promises happiness if you work hard and follow the rules. The carrot, always just beyond reach, is the enticement that by working hard and following the rules you will one day finally catch up with happiness and get all that the Dream promises. Adam has outlined a variety of the ‘stuff’ that the American Dream promises and, for some, has actually provided. He has focused on material betterment and place in life.Yet, The happiness and success of the American Dream has failed to materialize for the vast majority of Americans – and that includes ‘us.’ What happened to the greatest, the wealthiest country on earth, the land of equal opportunity for one and for all? If we look at the current economic statistics, it seems for many that the promise of the Dream is just that – a dream. So, if you are resisting the suggestion that you are dreaming, and if you are convinced that you are awake as regards this American Dream, ask yourself this:
Where does my happiness come from? If the answer you get includes anything from outside yourself: = = good weather, big money, your candidate winning an election, good health, expensive wine, paid-off mortgage, peace on earth, no cavities, a successful IPO, a new fast car. a kitchen remodel, closing Guantanamo, winning the lottery, heartburn cured, a cup of good coffee. If you believe that any of these, or any thing else, is capable of making you happy now or in the imagined future, then you are asleep and dreaming. You are pursuing happiness just like The American Dream tells you to. The American Dream serves a purpose if it is seen for what it is: an early stage in the journey of evolving consciousness. What the problem is relates to expecting the Dream to deliver a life experience. Life in the Dream promises a big payday . . . tomorrow. After you graduate, get married, have children, win the corner office, make a million, retire rich, and so on and so on. It’s chronically goal-oriented. Fulfillment is never about right now, enjoying what you already have. The Dream’s fulfillment is always about what you get and how it will improve your life experience once you have it – tomorrow, the next day, the next year. And, it is never enough. In the dream, we focus on the growth of things and neglect the growth of ourselves. We enable each other to live a lie – that who you are depends on what you have, on the content of your life: money, success, talent, acknowledgment. More is better and there is always more to get. It is quite revealing that when we ask our children WHAT they want to be when they grow up, not WHO they want to be. Your roles will define you. You are nothing without them. The content of life, no matter how you increase it, is never enough. And it can’t be, it won’t ever be, because fulfillment is not about what you have. It is about who you are. And who you are only exists in the here and now. You lose that when you invest in the Dream. The pursuit of happiness is based on the belief that happiness lies outside and since happiness is not already present, you must pursue it. You must seek it. Why has the American Dream failed? Why can it never succeed? Because – it is a dream! George Carlin, the comedian and social commentator said:"The American Dream . . . you have to be asleep to believe it!” We have dreamed of happiness and success but that dream has become a fantasy world for the few and a nightmare for the many. The American Dream is a program that someone else created and installed in us. It has succeeded for a very few and enslaved the rest of us. It has afforded the few with an existence of privilege, luxury, and power – and still leaves them with wanting more. The rest of us expand those labeled as “Dreamers.” So what would - what does - ‘awakening’ bring? At first, there may be disillusionment, questions, and then the understanding that you simply don’t need to try to get what you already have. Everything the Dream promises is inherent in who you are. You are already innately happy and successful. It is your nature today as completely as it was when you first viewed the world through newborn baby eyes, owning nothing, having no skills or investments, while ‘adults’ gathered around to celebrate your unique value and beauty. In the Dream scenario, you are not happy until you ‘get’ happiness. It must be acquired. This generates a fundamental indebtedness to a system that promises to provide what you are lacking. You can believe you are happy because of what happens in your content world. This is one way to pursue happiness. Or . . . you can just be happy! Becoming . . . or Being? Becoming . . . or Being? Take your pick! Think of the game shows where the contestant is given a choice of what is behind a door or curtain to get their ‘prize.’ Door or curtain Number One belongs to the Dream where you will become happy when you have enough money, a perfect spouse, good health, success, fame, when world peace is declared, and so on. This is the life of pursuit that some call the rat race. Door or curtain number two opens to wakefulness and life experience. Life in the Dream promises a big payday . . . tomorrow. After you graduate, get married, have children, win the corner office, make a million, retire rich, and so on. It’s chronically goal-oriented. Fulfillment is never about right now, enjoying what you already have. The Dream’s fulfillment is always about what you get and how it will improve your life experience once you have it – tomorrow, the next day, the next year. And, it is never enough. True happiness resides within you as an incorruptible aspect of who you are – and that will always be so. To experience it, to experience the truth of it, happiness must pour from you. You must express it. You don’t get it. You give it. There are five “W” questions you can consider when looking at your dreaming and awakening: 1. What can you do to enrich yourself, inflate your ego, and get fulfillment from the outside? 2. Why are you doing all that? Is that all there is? 3. Who are you? What about being and not just doing? 4. When is fulfillment? How about right here, experiencing it. 5. Where should you choose to focus your attention? How about right here and right now. So, let us agree that the experience of the American Dream is appropriate. It is appropriate because most, if not all of us, have shared and probably still share in that Dream. We can then hold the Dream as an experience of allowing yourself and others to be exactly as we are right now. Awakening happens on its own timetable. And you and I, we awaken in our own time and in our own way. Conclusion: So, you have awakened from the American Dream when you can truthfully say:
You are loved involves understanding that love is not merely an emotion. You are loved not for anything you do, but because you exist as love within the wholeness of love that permeates all creation. Nothing is demanded of you in return for this love. The more you accept, experience and express your authentic self as love, the more love you will effortlessly receive and give. This brings you joy. You are needed relates to the good reasons that you are here on this earth at this moment in time. You may discover or have already discovered a great mission for your life. And that is entirely unnecessary because your life is your mission. You are needed here, to be here, regardless of True happiness resides within you as an incorruptible aspect of who you are – and that will always be so. To experience it, to experience the truth of it, happiness must pour from you. You must express it. You don’t get it. You give it. You are awake to the truth that you “know” nothing. Being awake, you automatically lead by your example, you need no position or public acknowledgement. Your leadership emanates from your presence, you are never imposing on others, and you are always inviting them to awaken with you. You know that being awake is always just the beginning. Each day holds adventures to discover and challenges from which to learn. This brings you excitement. You are happy because happiness is your essential nature. There is nothing you need to get in order to be happy. Understanding this truth, you enjoy everything you have and everything you don’t have. You place no demands on yourself, on others, or on circumstances in order for you to be happy. The human species is undergoing fundamental transformation and, in that process there are many disruptions that effect everyone. Feelings and experiences may seem far distant from the usual concepts about happiness. And, awake, you know that you are happy – moving to a happiness that is so all-encompassing that you are able to feel everything within it. This also brings you faith. So for peace; for joy; for confidence; for excitement; for faith - - - - WAKE UP!!
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AuthorIn this life I am named Arthur William Rashap. I have lived 79 years with a myriad of experiences that have enabled me to enjoy many worlds and to have met and worked with some special people. I want to share this and have the opportunity to interact with you. Archives
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